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How to shave and tape ears

This video has been deleted.

*Please note: Video was done by another breeder (Elle Fernandes Ferreira) who is well informed and knowledgeable.

Shaving & Taping Yorkie ears - Adult & Puppy


Shaver: Andis, Oster, Laube or Wahl pet clippers 

Blade: No. 40

Tape: 3M Transpore Dressing Tape (found mostly by Dischem)

Wipes: Alcohol wipes


-Please remember to wipe the front and back of ears with alcohol wipes after shaving ears but before taping them on a puppy to prevent tape from lifting due to dirt and debris!!!

-Always shave hair on ears to prevent ears from flopping due to weight of hair on ears that make ears heavy and always shave ears before taping them on a puppy to prevent flopping and to strengthen ear muscles so that ears can learn to stand on their own.

-Tape for intervals of 3 days but not longer than 5.

-Give a day rest between taping

-Excess glue can be cleaned by rubbing the ear with baby oil between your fingers.

-Just remember that if a puppy's ears hasn't learnt to stand on their own by the latest 6 months of age, chances are they won't.

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